Company NameProvide the name of the company you are representing. Advertising agencies, please list your agency name. About Employer RegistrationIn order to post jobs and find Job Seekers on, employers must first register. Member NameUse the title and name of the individual who will be managing this account, and the company the account is for. AddressUse the primary contact address for your company. Contact InfoProvide the primary phone number and email address for the individual managing this account. Fax and website information is optional, but can enhance the job postings you create. User IDYour User ID should be six characters or longer, and can contain uppercase and lower case letters, numbers, and some punctuation. If the User ID name you choose is already taken by another user, you will be asked to try another one. You can use your email address as your User ID. PasswordYour password should be at least six characters long, easy for you to remember and difficult for others to guess. Do not share your password with anybody. Password QuestionSelect a question and answer which will help you remember your password. In case you forget your password, you will be able to use this as a reminder. Current PasswordEnter the password you used when logging in. You must enter the correct current password before you can create a new one. New PasswordEnter your new password once in each New Password field. If they do not match, you cannot change the password. Payment MethodPaying by credit card will give you immediate access to job posting and other services, and you will purchase each individually. | ||